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Please help save Under The Edge Arts

Like any other arts venue Under The Edge Arts is struggling. Across the country at least 2 grass roots music and arts venues are closing each week along with larger national galleries in the hearts of our largest cities.
Wotton has always been very fortunate to have our own thriving arts community with a venue to call home. This is now under threat due to the ongoing cost of living crisis and lack of public funding for the arts.
Can you help secure the future of this vital charity organisation in our town by volunteering your time, making a donation or buying tickets for our events.
The rent for the hall is currently £750 a month and we are struggling to ensure this is paid whilst providing the events that we pride ourselves on.
We have set up a variety of ways in which you can donate to keep this treasured asset going in our community.
To make a donation see below for the various ways in which you can donate. 


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Under the Edge Arts is the operating name of Wotton Arts Project, Registered Charity No 1112129 & Company No 5468311 - registered in England & Wales. Registered Office: 14 Cotswold Gardens, Wotton Under Edge, GL12 7HW.

©2020 Under The Edge Arts. Created By Tom Godwin

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